crisp projects

  • G-Motiv

    Designing Motivation - Changing Human Behaviour Using Game-Elements (G-MOTIV) was about researching and applying new approaches to behavioural change based on motivation by using game elements. We will conduct research on the motivational effect of game elements in changing behaviour. Our multidisciplinary team of scientists and designers has worked on developing intelligent PSS prototypes in the fields of health care and human resources, resulting in structural behavioural change.
  • Grey but Mobile

    Enhanced Care Service through Improved Mobility for Elderly People (Grey But Mobile) was about improving care-related mobility services for the elderly supporting independent living and social connectivity. Importantly, the quantitative and qualitative effects of these proposed services have to contribute to the improved health of the elderly as well as to the economic efficiency of care.
  • I-PE

    The Intelligent Play Environments project (i-PE) was about the development of an ‘inspirational test bed’ to develop fundamental knowledge, insights and guidelines for the design of intelligent, playful environments. This design research included playful persuasion, emergent behaviour and interaction opportunities that stimulate social and physical play of various user groups.


  • A research framework for playful persuasion based on psychological needs and bodily interaction Rozendaal, M., Vermeeren, A., Bekker, T., Ridder, H. de A research framework that relates interactive systems to behavioral change with psychological needs and bodily interaction as intermediating variables. Download
  • About Experience and Emergence: A Framework for Decentralized Interactive Play Environments. Rijnbout, P., Valk, L. de, Vermeeren, A., Bekker, T., Graaf, M. de, Schouten, B. and Eggen, B. A framework focusing on the development of decentralized interactive play environments for emergent play, demonstrated with two case studies. Download
  • i-PE: A Decentralized Approach for Designing Adaptive and Persuasive Intelligent Play Environments Rijnbout, P., Valk, L. de, Graaf, M. de, Bekker, T., Schouten, B., Eggen, B. developing design guidelines for designing interactive environments that stimulate social and physical play Download
  • Kun je jouw beleving meten in woord, beeld en getal? Rozendaal, MC & Vermeeren, APOS Results for Science Center NEMO of using the Photo-app during two weeks of fall holidays in 2011, published at the website of Science Center NEMO’s ScienceLive. Download
  • Designing for social interaction in open-ended play environments Valk, L. de, Bekker, T., Eggen. B. presents an integrated model of interaction and transitions over time. Next, it describes two design case studies of open-ended, interactive play environments, GlowSteps and Wobble, discussing how these designs support social interaction over time Download
  • GlowSteps, A decentralized interactive play environment for openended play. Valk, L. de, Rijnbout, P., Graaf, M. de, Bekker, T., Schouten, B., Eggen, B.  In this paper the interactive play environment GlowSteps is presented. GlowSteps consists of ten flexible tiles that respond with light feedback on player’s actions. Download
  • Wobble: Supporting Social Play through an Open-ended Play Environment In this paper we explore how to design for different levels of social play such as solitary, parallel and group play. For this purpose, we developed an open-ended play environment that supports the three stages of play: invitation, exploration and immersion.  Download
  • Ambulatory mobility and physical activity monitoring of elderly; a pilot study S.T. Boerema, M.M.R. Vollenbroek-Hutten, H.J. Hermen a method to objectively monitor mobility and physical activity of elderly using ambulatory wireless technology during daily living, and studied the monitored physical activity compared to a sedentary population of healthy office workers Download
  • Experience sampling and physical activity measurements to improve workday satisfaction. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement Boerema, S. T., Evers, M., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. H. M., & Hermens, H. J This paper developed an experience sampling method smartphone app and integrated this with a monitoring app of physical activity patterns using the Promove3D activity sensor Download
  • Monitoring and Improving Mobility of the Elderly. Text is still confidential--

    Describes thesis of Simone Boerema

    Presented at the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Oldenburg, Germany.
